Boscolo is also Art

Roberto Boscolo, in close collaboration with BeAdvisors’ prestigious art department and the expertise of Mattia Pozzoni Art Advisory, maintains strong links with the art world. It is with great pride that we unveil today the third Boscolo Hotels & SPAS Artistic Program for 2023.

This initiative embodies our unwavering commitment to art, culture and well-being, and we look forward to sharing this unique experience with you. Thanks to an exceptional selection of contemporary artworks and exclusive artistic events, we hope to enrich your stay at our establishments, offering you a complete immersion in the world of creativity and beauty.

We are confident that this new edition of the Artistic Program will awaken your senses and inspire your spirit, and we look forward to welcoming you to this exceptional experience at our Boscolo hotels and spas.


Presented by Boscolo Collection Art Programme
Curated by BeAdvisors Art Department

Gregory Hayes

Buffalo, 1980

Gregory Hayes is known for his methodical, systematic process based on the concept of “brushless” painting. Hayes’ abstract works seem almost digitized or computerized, due to his meticulous technique.

It exposes the natural ability of paint to form shapes and patterns on its own on the surface of the canvas. Hayes uses paint to create multidimensional space and kaleidoscopic texture.

Éditions Passées